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Art Gallery NYC

  • Create an infrastructure for a female-led disruptive art gallery and event space. 
  • Constructed policies and documents to consign, sell and commission works and to lease space for events. Trained staff to implement these systems.
  • Resulted in a vibrant space exhibiting Salvador Dali, Peter Beard, and Arman, together with emerging artists. Events ranged from a Metropolitan Opera performance to an appearance by Kid Chocolate. The Gallery received extensive press coverage. 

Airline Acquisition

  • Purchase two national airlines, one French and one German, from an Icelandic Bank based in the UK and organize the entities under Luxembourg Law.
  • Organized teams of lawyers, accountants and investors from France, Germany, England, Luxembourg and US during negotiations and integration.
  • The airlines were successfully acquired.

Intellectual Property Implementation

  • Design opportunities to merchandize and monetize wholly owned Intellectual Property slated to become feature length movies.
  • Identified companies and investors who could synergistically create new products in concert with the movie production. Negotiated and created all related documentation.
  • Companies identified, term sheet from investor in final negotiations and anticipate a closing later this year.